Tuesday, November 16, 2010

HAAC Champs and First Round of Playoffs

MNU won the Heart of America Athletic Conference Championship outright last week by defeating #9 Missouri Valley College 37-7.  The loss knocked Missouri Valley out of playoff contention, and guaranteed the Pioneers two home playoff games should they advance that far.  The game was close at halftime with a score of 13-7, but the Pioneers pulled away in the 3rd Quarter, utterly dominating in all phases for that 15 minute span.  The starters came out early, and the Pioneers escaped the regular season unscathed.  MidAmerica had a bye week this past week, in anticipation of finding out who the would play in the NAIA Football Championship Series.  The news came in this past Sunday that they would be playing #17 Georgetown College (KY) in their first round game. Georgetown made it in as the Mid-South Conference Champion.  They boast a high powered offense, capable of giving any team problems.  It should be a good match-up for the Pioneers in the first round, as this is the best offense that they've seen since playing Lindenwood back in week 4 of the season.

Do you think MNU got a good draw for the first round?

Are you surprised that MNU isn't hosting someone that is geographically closer?


  1. I think any team that makes it to the playoffs is going to be tough... I mean it is the playoffs. The Pioneers need to remember what happened last year at home and need to use that as motivation to come out of the gates right away. I am very excited for the team! Good luck and let's beat Georgetown!

  2. I think whoever we would've played is a good draw because we have home field advantage. I do think its going to be a good game. They have a high scoring office and our defense is one of the best in the nation. so in the end it comes down to if we can keep them form getting in the endzone.

  3. I don't know much about Football but as a soccer player I know how play playoffs feel like. (not at MNU)I just wanna say good luck, and hopefully they make it to the final championship.
