Tuesday, December 7, 2010

MNU Defeats Georgetown

The Pioneers looked rusty for the first half of their game against the Georgetown College Tigers, but were able to make a comeback with about 9 minutes left in the game.  MNU trailed 21-10 at halftime, and 24-10 with 9 minutes left in the game.  Sean Ransburg led the offense all the way down the field for a score.  After the defense forces three and out, Georgetown was forced to punt and the ball went over their punters head for a safety, making the score 24-19.  After getting the ball back, Sean Ransburg took over again and scrambled his was eventually to the 1 yard line.  The Pioneers capped that drive off with 6 points and a two point conversion to take the lead 27-24.  Georgetown moved the ball in their two minute drill into field goal range. However, Dantren Anderson was not about to let the game go to overtime, and blocked the attempt to seal the Pioneers fate.

Sean Ransburg was the Offensive MVP with 319 total yards.  Jake Duren was the Defensive MVP with 17 tackles and a sack.  Had the game gone into overtime, Ransburg would not have been able to play due to a concussion.  His status for the Quarterfinals is unkown.

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